
ISO9001 and AS/NZS 4801 Safety Certification- These are safety and health measures you will have to meet according to standard requirements for all companies across all mining sectors.

ISO9001 and AS/NZS 4801 Safety Certification

Safety Policy - We organise operations in such a format to eliminate or reduce any mining hazards.

Risk Assessment Policy - We assess all the risks involved across all mining sectors and make sure we have measures in place to deal with and combat these risks.

Drug Alcohol Policy - Our company is very strict about drug and alcohol use on the work site, and we conduct regular checks for the same.

Environmental Policy - We work hard to reduce environmental contamination by following all statutory rules and regulations.

Safe Purchasing Policy - Only authorised personnel can purchase mining equipment and supplies.

Rehabilitation Policy - We make sure we restore post-mined landscapes to natural drainage sites like they were.

Use of Company Vehicle Policy - Our employees have to follow standards for vehicle insurance, upkeep and regular usage.

Fitness for Work Policy - All our employees must be in the optimum physical and mental state when present at work.

Smoke Free Workplace Policy - We provide a safe environment where tobacco use is prohibited.

Occupational Health & Safety Policy - Our mining staff follow all necessary policies to protect them from injuries and harm.

Industrial Relations Policy - We monitor all the relations between our staff and ensure proper wage and timing policies.

We also have other policies like Disciplinary Procedures, Company Vehicle Policy, Quality Policy and Vehicle Maintenance Outline.

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